About Us

We want to build a business where all ex-convicts, and teens aging out of foster care and veterans will have all the tools and resources needed to become good citizens in society. 

Our Vision

Heavenly Divine Inc. aspire to a community where all people we serve live in a safe and harmonious environment. 

Our Mission

Heavenly Divine provides safe, structured, supportive and stable housing. We are dedicated to empowering people with the tools, the skills to live healthy and productive lives. With these tools, they can become law-abiding citizens. 

Our team

Krystal Mattison


Mrs. Krystal Mattison, Earned her Bachelors of Science and currently practices as a Social Worker and is the Founder of Heavenly Divine Inc. Her background experience is over 7 years’ working for a nonprofit organization. Krystal has a personal connection with being a foster/adopted parent. Her experiences as a Social Worker have led her to create an organization that focuses on assisting Veterans, law-abiding citizens, mental and substance abuse citizens with her sister Schnell Evans the executive director of Heavenly Divine Inc. 

Schnell Evans


Schnell Evans has an Associates Degree in Business Management and has worked in the Public for over 30 years assisting young people in the community. Schnell is truly passionate when it comes to rehabilitating law-abiding citizens.

© 2023 Heavenly Divine.| All Rights Reserved. 

We are designed tax-exempt under the 501c3 Internal Revenue, Tax ID 802866197. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law..